Compare Health Care Data by Region

Use the Community Dashboard data to understand how different aspects of health care – cost, utilization of services, access to care, use of preventive services and treatment for chronic conditions – vary across Colorado counties and Division of Insurance regions. Join our mailing list to get notifications when new information becomes available.


  • Results are based on claims data submitted by health insurance companies to the Colorado All Payer Claims Database (CO APCD) for over 75% of insured Coloradans, but do not include self-pay and uninsured, the majority of people covered by self-insured employer plans, or those covered under Federal programs like the VA, TRICARE, or Indian Health Services.
  • Values reflect services and tests that have been paid for by health insurance payers, and may look different from other publicly reported data sets based on self-reported survey data (CDC, CDPHE, etc.), which includes self-pay and uninsured services received in any setting.
  • Costs refer to the amount paid to providers for services by health insurance companies and patients. Costs do not include premiums paid, costs incurred by the provider to deliver care, or administrative costs or adjustments/payments made before or after a claim is settled. Medicaid costs do include supplemental payments to providers, but do not include Long Term Services and Support.
  • For complete methodology click here, and to access excel files containing the underlying data, fill out this quick request form.

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