USE CASE: Combining Claims Data and Electronic Health Records

The Scalable Architecture for Federated Translational Inquiries Network (SAFTINet) is a multi-state collaboration of providers working to enhance the quality of health care underserved patient populations. Denver Health, University of Colorado, CCMCN are part of the effort in Colorado. SAFTINet developed an information technology infrastructure designed to securely share electronic health data with providers and researchers in order to support quality improvement and research. The vision for this network is that it will support a broad array of data uses including analysis of the effects of health care delivery models on chronic disease outcomes.

Project Summary: Identify care outcome improvement opportunities by combining medical claims with electronic medical record (EMR) data for approximately 100,000 Medicaid patients over a four year period.

Benefit to Colorado: Successfully combining claims data and EMR data will open many doors to helping Change Agents in Colorado improve care and lower costs.